Sunday, August 06, 2006

8/6/06: Day 23 (Sun.) Test Results Looking Good

Wow...what a great weekend it has been! Not only did Evan get moved onto the conventional respirator, but he is about a day away from being moved into a crib! Marianne was hoping to move him into one today, but the NICU seems to be in short supply of cribs. Hopefully by tomorrow he'll be in a big-boy crib! Since Marianne has been wrapping him up like a burrito, his incubator has been way to warm for him. He doesn't have trouble maintaining his body temperature (since he has built up some baby fat), so the attending physician says he can move into some new digs. She also said his chest x-ray looked great (no deflation of his lungs on the conventional respirator), so it's looking like his lungs are finally getting mature!

His blood gas test results have been right on the fingers crossed he keeps those numbers steady. According to Marianne, he has been a lot calmer although he still hates when she has to move him, change his diaper or take blood from his foot. Basically, he hates when anyone makes him move out of his comfortable position. We even got to see him open his eyes just a little bit. It seems hard for him to open them completely since he's so sedated. I was shocked to look at him and actually see him crack his eyes open a bit.

So proud of dad today...T changed Evan's diaper (with a little help from me)! Marianne said last night Evan even had his first BM (even though it was very small). The breast milk feedings must be moving his intestines to get all that meconium out. So I guess we should cherish these easy diaper changes before the big BMs arrive!

We'll keep the video camera at the ready in case he decides to open his eyes a bit again! BTW...we added some videos to past postings...there is one below and there are 2 other videos on July 17th and 18th.

UMC Charges: $7,580.85
Running Total: $222,912.74

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the first diaper change T. Scary with all of the tubes. The many more to come will now be a piece of cake! Everything sounds amazingly wonderful. Love the video. Andrew is now and Corvallis. We watched it together. Evan is so beautiful.
Shari and Andrew