Friday, August 25, 2006

8/24/06: Day 41 (Thurs.) Bottle Feeding Starts Tomorrow

Apologies to those of you blog-addicts for not doing my daily postings! ;-) I was too tired Thursday night to post, so I'm playing catch-up. :-)

Thursday was my last day before going back to work, so I made it up there for his noon feeding and stayed until shift change. This was the last day to really try the b-feeding thing. He still doesn't quite have the knack of it, so starting on Friday, the nurses will bottle-feed him. The goal is to get him either bottle-feeding or b-feeding his full feed (which is about 45ml).

Dr. Tsai told me that once he is consistently doing full feeds (which will be by the bottle since I'm not there to b-feed him), that signals that he can go home. She told me he could go home on oxygen, but I really hope not. He is so fidgety with his cannula, we would constantly worry about him pulling it out and not getting the O2 he needs. So, best case scenario, he gets weaned off the O2 and is bottle-feeding like a champ all at the same time. The doctors know best, so I trust their judgement, they wouldn't discharge him until they are sure he is fine. Since he was on the respirators for so long, they are being extra careful about pushing him too fast.

UMC Charges: $2,600.00
Running Total: $311,121.44

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