Monday, August 21, 2006

8/20/06: Day 37 (Sun.) Adventures in Diaper Changing

All of you who have kids (especially boys), I give you permission to laugh when you read this. T and I got to experience being peed on twice during diaper changes! What is with little boys??!! During Evan's 6pm feeing, I was holding him and we heard a big rumble down in his diaper area. I feared the worst since my hand was in that area holding him and I could feel it too. We thought that maybe we would just leave it for the nurses, but we were nice and decided to change his diaper after the feeding. It wasn't a total blow-out, but close. Alas, that won't be the last time we deal with that!

So, enough of the bodily function issues...everything is continuing on track. The nurses have been turning down his oxygen flow as he tolerates it. They knocked him down to .30 oxygen flow (but they move it back up when it's time to change his diaper and change the dressing on his foot). He tends to get worked up during those times and his O2 levels drop a lot. But, that's o.k. that he needs a bit more during those times.

UMC Charges: $3,800.00
Running Total: $300,121.44

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember, peeing is good....