Wednesday, August 30, 2006

8/30/06: Day 47 (Wed.) Acclimating nicely

Evan's first full day in Sierra Vista went well. He is doing really well acclimating to the altitude here. His oxygen has been bumped down to that is great for just the past 24-hours. Dr. Ettinger, his pediatrician, was in the nursery since he was delivering twins today, and he touched base with me about his progress. He said that he's not going to push him by lowering his oxygen, but just let Evan work it out. He is estimating even when Evan comes off the oxygen, he'll still be in the nursery for about a week after that. So, I guess we're going to be there for a while. His other concern is that Evan is steadily gaining weight. Last night he was 5 lbs. 6 oz. so that doesn't seem to be a problem for him. He's been eating like champ, so no doubt his weight will jump.

It's quite a change going from the UMC NICU to the SV Hospital! One of the night shift nurses we met tonight used to work in the NICU of a women's hospital in San Diego, so she is very aware of Evan's needs. The SV nurses were afraid Evan would be disturbed by the noises in the nursery, but even that nurse agreed that the environment Evan was in the past few weeks has made him immune to a lot of noise. He has a little corner to himself; all he has is his oxygen line and his leads for monitoring heart rate, breathing and O2 saturation.

SVRHC Charges: $1838.22
Running Total: $329,968.03

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