Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March for Babies 2009

It was a very busy weekend! On Saturday, the Sierra Vista March for Babies took place. It was an early day for me since I had to be at the park by 0530 to help set-up. We had a great turnout this year. Our family team, Warrior 06 raised over $1000, which was more than last year. A big thank you to everyone who donated.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thunder Mountain 5K

Today was the annual Thunder Mountain 5K/10K on post. Evan and I participated alongside two of my co-workers, Terri and JoNell. Terri is my buddy that walks the Bisbee steps with us. Terri ran the 5K, but I walked with JoNell. This was the first time doing a run since the Tucson Half Marathon back in December.

Evan thrilled as usual to be up early:

I hadn't had Evan in the jog stroller for a while, so I was worried he would get antsy out on the course. I had his favorite movie du jour (Cars) on the Ipod and he was engrossed the entire time. After the race, they held the Diaper Dash again for kids 3 and under. Evan was so antsy to run, he ran all by himself as a warm up; but when the whistle blew for the real start, he froze (must be performance anxiety).

This was the warm-up run (he looks like a real sprinter)!:

This was the real race (I think that girl looks older than 3)!

Afterwards, we went to the Landmark for breakfast. I was worried since we never go out to eat with Evan (he's in a nightmare stage). Luckily, the movie kept him occupied until the food came, and he actually ate! I ordered him a plate of 2 scrambled eggs and white toast. He ate almost the whole plate of eggs (which I had to cover in ketchup) with an adult fork. He nibbled on a bit of the toast too. So he truly is a social eater.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Future Tiger?

We got some footage of Evan swinging a club in the backyard. No Tiger Woods yet, but he's working on it.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sierra Vista March For Babies

The Sierra Vista March for babies is in less than two weeks. Here is the link to his video for this year's walk:

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Reid Park Zoo

We took Evan to Reid Park Zoo in Tucson. The weather was perfect, not too hot or cold and a little overcast. Evan wasn't super-interested in the animals, so we aren't predicting he'll be a zoologist.