Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ravioli Drumset

I know a video of a kid eating is not very exciting....but this is like capturing an exotic wild animal on film. This is Evan, eating his second plate of ravioli at 8:40pm tonight. He picked the can out of the pantry and handed it to me (I thought he was just playing around). After handing me the can, he pulled his high chair into the kitchen (he doesn't really like sitting in his high chair). I guess he wasn't joking! Ironically, this is all after just getting a bath (so much for a clean kid). His rhythm isn't too bad either.

Evan is always the best helper cleaning up...I was finally able to get him to say "night, night".

Monday, September 22, 2008

Our Little Newsie!

Here are the pics Evan's daycare took the other week. They dressed all the kids up in these vintage-style outfits. He just needs a paper route now!!

Here was Evan last year when they took similar pictures....oh what a difference a year makes!! Note the red eyes from crying (he was probably trying to say...."Get me out of this box")!! He was about 16 pounds in this pic...he still hovering in the very low 20's now (so he's not that much bigger now than he was in this old pic).

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Get Your Motor Runnin' (Not Yet)

Poor Evan has trouble fitting on toys that are supposed to be for his age range. This was one of his presents from a co-worker of ours...as you can see it's huge for him. He can manage to get himself on and off, but can barely touch the floor.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Stand Still Will Ya!

Is there some switch that goes off with a 2-year old that makes them not want to stand still for one second for a picture?? I was trying to get a pic of Evan with his Gator shirt on (in anticipation of the Florida-Tennessee game on Saturday).

Nice nose pick!

The look he gave me after swatting the camera away:

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Our Pooh-crack Baby!

Evan has never been one to get sucked into watching television or videos...until recently. The boy has become a Pooh-addict! We're not sure where it came from....possibly because there are Pooh wall stickers in his daycare? We now have our DVR set to tape every epsiode of "My Friends Tigger & Pooh" on the Disney channel. If there is a t.v. on in the house, it must have Pooh on (but of course not Dad's big screen t.v.).

All this has come about at the same time that Evan is starting to eat really well. When we pick him up, he is getting noticeably heavier. When putting him to bed the other night I noticed that his legs are getting longer...he's starting to leave that baby-look behind...sort of sad, though. His vocabulary is still pretty limited our running tally is:

"ights" = outside
"ot" = hot
"Pooh" = um, yeah, no definition needed there
"bye bye" (said with an accent like Cartman from South Park)
"ba" = Max, Sadie, bottle and ball (little confusing)
"cook-cook" = cookie
"caca" = cracker
"va-va" = water
"tee-tee" = thank you
"oh" (said with sort of an Andrew Dice Clay inflection for those of you who remember who he was)
"mah" = more
"mama" (finally)
He also has a mumbled word that starts with a "tee" sound that we figured out was "trash". He loves throwing things away in the trash can!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

What Does This Switch Do?

Evan is a smart kid...I should say, a sneaky smart kid (even more dangerous). I caught him in his room standing on top of a little end table, flipping the light switches. For some reason, he didn't want to wear shorts that afternoon.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fall Collage

Monday, September 08, 2008

Mmmm....Chewy Chips Ahoy!

We now have visual proof that Evan will eat a cookie....Chewy Chips Ahoy to be exact. He's particular about the cookie though; he only eats it as far down as he is holding it...so he leaves little cookie nibs behind.

Up until now, we couldn't get him to eat the typical bad things kids eat (cookies, candy, etc...). We just need to keep putting calories in him however we can.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Playing in the Pool

We had a pool put in this year...as you can see...it's HUGE! Max thinks it's his big drinking bowl! Evan wasn't too thrilled with it.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Jail and Bail

The March of Dimes Jail and Bail went as well as expected today. We picked Evan up right before lunchtime/nap time and were ready for the worse. As soon as I get pics from the event organizers, I'll post them. Evan had fun running around the restaurant with another little boy (who was 4 months younger than him, but a lot bigger than he was). Evan started to poop out about 1pm; so we took him back to daycare to let him "sleep it off".

If you wish to donate to Evan's "Bail", here is the link: http://jailandbail.marchofdimes.com/evandorris

Evan looking at his display board with Dad:

The vids aren't very good since Evan was antsy