Thursday, August 03, 2006

8/3/06: Day 20 (Thurs.) The Snot-Man

A rainy day up in Tucson today...luckily I got to the hospital before the downpour. It was neat though since we could watch the rain roll in from Mt. Lemmon from one of the NICU windows.

I had a good visit today (not like I ever have a bad visit)...Evan was lucky to have 2 nurses work with him today. Today Marianne was off so he had Karen and Mary. Karen is a nurse at St. Joe's Hospital on the other side of town and was called in to UMC since they had so many babies to take care of. Karen was a real hoot, someone who had a great sense of humor despite all the stress in the NICU. Small world, but she has relatives who live in Hereford and Bisbee, so she's well aware of the boring drive to Sierra Vista from Tucson.

Evan did have a head ultrasound and chest x-ray today, but they didn't get the results interpreted yet. I'll check tomorrow on those results. His right arm was still free from the art line...they are taking blood samples from his left heel instead. Now that his right arm is free, I noticed his upper arm is really chunky! He still tends to keep his arm in an upright position (he doesn't seem to know that he can put that arm straight down now).

Evan's oxygen saturation all of sudden dropped into the 70' it turns out, he needed to be suctioned. Karen squirted a bit of saline solution into the suction tube and ended up pulling out a big glob of snot (as she called it). Sorry for the lack of a better medical term! It was amazing to see his O2 levels go right back to normal after she did it. The nurses have been rotating him from his belly to his back and have been noticing a lot more gunk coming up from his lungs (according to them, that's not a bad thing). The oscillating respirator also shakes a lot of the stuff loose. Since he can't cough it up due to the respirator tube, it has to be suctioned out manually.

While I was there, the respiratory technician (RT) made some adjustments to his ventilator. The nurses were about to test his blood gases when the RT appeared, but they decided to wait about a half hour, then pull his blood sample to see how the adjustments affected his results. I was still around when they got the results back from the lab and according to Karen his results were they expected the RT to come back and make some more adjustments. So, more positive steps to get Evan onto the conventional respirator (and eventually off it entirely).

I got to change his diaper again...according to Karen, that was the heaviest diaper he has had (it was absolutely soaked). He was acting really fussy prior to the diaper change, so he definitely doesn't like to be wet, even in his sleep stage. The nurses also let me "feed" him through the tube...he's now getting 2ml every 6 hours, which is a step forward.

Evan seems to be having less and less IV drips that's another good sign. All he is getting now through the IV is Fentanyl, Adivan and TPN (which stands for total parenteral nutrition). Once he gets off the respirator, he should be IV free (as long as he can tolerate the breast milk feeds). Fingers crossed we'll get to that point soon!

UMC Charges: $7,002.30
Running Total: $200,569.79

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