Monday, April 16, 2007

4/16/07: Day 276 (Mon.) Checking In With Dr. E

Since Evan still had that yucky sounding chest congestion, we took him to see Dr. Ettinger as a precaution to make sure it wasn't pnuemonia. Dr E had a medical student helping out in the office and we saw him first. Dr. E cam in later and reassured us that he was fine. We have to keep suctioning his nose out with saline drops and that bulb-sucking-thing. Evan hates when we do it, but I think he is happy afterwards since he can breathe a bit better. We don't get a whole lot of stuff out of his nose, but it must be enough. Dr. E is also not concerned with Evan's slow weight gain, so we'l keep doing what we've been doing. We're still continuing to give him the Dimetapp with Albuterol 3 times a day. Dr. E hopes that will keep asthma from developing. He also thinks that last Synagis shot will be it for this season. It depends on his weight if he will be eligible to get the Synagis shots this fall.

We found out Dr. E is taking a sabbatical to study marine biology down in Mexico. He has another doctor coming in (who used to practice in Gainesville) to cover him while he's gone. He said he isn't retiring...but will continue to work 3 or so days a week and golf the other days when he gets back.

**Weight check: 13 lbs. 15 oz.**
**Height: 24 inches**

Chronological age: 39 weeks and 3 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 6 months, 4 weeks and 3 days

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