Tuesday, April 10, 2007

4/10/07: Day 270 (Tues.) A Milestone!

Guess what Evan did?? He slept in his crib the whole night last night. I couldn't have been so lucky to have him sleep through the night...he did wake at midnight, 2am and 3am. I gave him a mini-bottle at 2am and he went back to sleep. I put one of those baby mattress wedges under the mattress so he could sleep a little more upright due to his congestion, but the boy insisted on rolling himself down to the bottom of the crib. In the morning I found him at the bottom of the crib with his blanket over his head. I guess I have to stop worrying about SIDS so much since I can't control him pulling the blanket over his head.

Just this morning, Evan kept crying every time I went out of his sight. His teacher says it just that time in his development...the whole separation-anxiety thing. Great! Make me feel even worse about putting him in daycare! He had an o.k. morning when I dropped him off...we propped him up on a Boppy pillow to keep him from falling backward (trying to keep the head injuries to a minimum). He's doing really well sitting up with his back supported...but once he starts leaning forward, he can't help but slump over.

The refrigerator conked out also and this morning T had to throw pretty much everything out of the fridge. He did manage to save his Dos Equis Amber 12-pack (some things have priority). Finally a bit of luck our way, it was just the relay switch on the fridge and not the compressor. It was probably caused by a power surge, which we have a lot here.

Chronological age: 38 weeks and 4 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 6 months, 3 week and 4 days

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