Sunday, April 01, 2007

4/1/07: Day 261 (Sun.) Sadie's Birthday!

On almost all the videos you usually can catch a glimpse of Sadie, our other crazy pup. We aren't exactly sure when her birthday is since she was a pound-pup, so we guesstimate it to be April 1st (April Fools Day). Pretty fitting for her. She is about 4 years old today (so we think)....still acts like a pup.

Ev-man is doing much, much better...still hating the nebulizer treatments. No more fever; getting his appetite back. He helped to cheer the Gators on to the NCAA championship game last night!

Chronological age: 37 weeks and 2 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 6 months, 2 week and 2 days

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