Thursday, April 12, 2007

4/12/07: Day 272 (Thurs.) Picture Day!

Today was picture day at Evan's daycare. It was hard trying to decide what to dress him in since he has so many cute clothes. I packed a few options in his bag for his teacher to sort out since I wasn't sure what colors would look best against the background. When I dropped him off, one of the other infant teachers told me I could take Evan right over to get his pic taken since the photographer was already set up. So...I had to change him into his outfit, which agitated him from the get-go. I took him to the photographer and Evan was just not in the mood to have his picture taken at 0730 in the morning. The photographer said the teachers can bring him back over later, so it wasn't a big deal.

Well, I pick him up in the afternoon and his teacher said they got his picture taken, she said he wasn't exactly smiling, but he wasn't crying either. As for his picture-outfit...right before they were going to take him over for the pic, he sneaked a pee on his outfit as he was getting a diaper change. He ended up getting his pic taken in the romper-outfit I sent him to school's not a bad outfit...just not what I had planned. We'll see how the pic turns out!

So for now...Evan is not a glamor baby!

Chronological age: 38 weeks and 6 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 6 months, 3 week and 6 days

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