Friday, September 22, 2006

9/22/06: Day 70 (Fri.) 10 Weeks Old!

Getting into a daily routine finally. Evan had a good night last night. During the day, we took a little walk through the house with his oxygen tank in tow. He seemed to like his room...eventually he'll get to sleep in there. :-) I took him into the backyard in his baby carrier. He likes the carrier thank goodness. The sunlight freaks him out a bit, so we'll have to ease him into outside time. I took him next door to meet our neighbors Tina and Robert. They were excited to finally meet the little guy.

It was bath day, but before his bath, T put him on the webcam so his mom could see him. She'll be coming out to stay with us at the end of October when I get ready to go back to work again. We have to keep Evan out of day care as long as possible (especially during cold and flu season).

Chronological age: 2 months 2 weeks and 0 days
Adjusted age: 6 days

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