Thursday, September 21, 2006

9/21/06: Day 69 (Thurs.) A Trip to the Doc

O.k...what day is this? Amazing how my timing is all thrown off! Evan slept much better through the night. I still slept with him on the couch...he even slept through his midnight feeding. He was ready to eat at 3am though. The monitor recorded 2 apnea incidents through the night...they weren't really incidents...they were false alarms when he moved.

He had his doctor's appointment today with Dr. Vedock. She was happy to see him out of a hospital setting. No al whole lot came out of the appointment aside from a trip to get blood drawn on Monday. We have to come back in and see her next Friday for a weight check.

Dr. Vedock also gave us referrals for the pediatric pulminologist in Tucson and a urologist. We didn't realize until a few weeks into his stay at UMC that he has a condition called hypospadia. It's a mild case, no big deal, but we have to wait a while to have him circumcised. He also has newborn anemia...again, not a big deal. It's something he'll grow out of once his bone marrow starts producing more red blood cells. We have to give him liquid vitamins fortified with iron to help the process kick in. The liquid vitamins are really yucky and thick, but Evan drinks it down like a champ!

Evan wasn't too happy being handled at the doctors office and was really unhappt going back in his car seat. Thank goodness it was less than a 5 minute trip home. He's been fussy on and off since he's been home....we reverted back to the burrito-swaddle and he's sleeping like a dream now.

Weight: 6 lbs. 13 oz.
Height: 19 inches
Chronological age: 2 months 1 week and 6 days
Adjusted age: 5 days

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