Tuesday, September 12, 2006

9/12/06: Day 60 (Tues.) The Story Keeps Changing*

O.k...every day seem to be something new. This morning, I rolled out of bed at 4am to be at the hospital at the start of shift change. Every morning before I would go into work, I would stop by the hospital to check on things (usually around 6:30-7:00am). I would get these reports from the nurses that Evan was just ultra-fussy and inconsolable. So, I decided to see for myself (and my extra hands can free up the understaffed nurses to do what they have to do). All I have to say is, it's just not normal to be up at that time (and driving on the roads)! Luckily, I only have .7 of a mile to drive to the hospital. Evan was a complete angel for me. He drank his bottle and fell off to sleep. So, amazing what a little attention will do for a baby.

While I was there this morning, he was on about .3 ml on his oxygen, so there wasn't any huge decrease. BUT, when T and I visited after dinner, he was down to .1 ml! So, this makes a change to the plan of him coming home on oxygen. Dr. Ettinger was there and told us the plan is to keep him on the Lasix for about 5 more days. They plan on doing another chest x-ray after he's done with the Lasix to see how his lungs look. Since he's down to .1, they're going to start weaning him onto room air (aka no more cannula as long as he can handle it). I think the doctor said they would observe him on room air for about a week to make sure all is well. So, some more baby steps that are adding up to us going home soon (without oxygen).

Evan was being so good in this video...waiting patiently for his bottle to be warmed up

SVRHC Charges: $1,804.97
Running Total: $357,021.54

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are they still not letting you room in with him? That seems strange to me.