Thursday, September 14, 2006

9/14/06: Day 62 (Thurs.) Getting shots tonight. 2 Months Old!

It was a quick visit today since I had a dinner up in Tucson to attend. Evan was sleeping soundly when we arrived afetr 4pm. We sat by his side since we didn't want to disturb him and then leave. He was down to .1 on his O2 again. Before we left, we realized his cannula was completely out of his nose (and his saturation levels were fine). It was sort of funny since he was laying on his stomach (almost laying straight down on his face, and the cannula was smashing his nose down. We told the nurses, and they decided to just let him stay in that position since his saturation levels were so good. Although we all know it's bad to put a baby to sleep on his stomach, Evan has had lots of tummy time at UMC and he sleeps really well in that position. Of course it helps to be on a monitor that alarms if he's not breathing correctly, so we'll definitely not put him to sleep in that position when he comes home. :-)

Evan is also getting his 2 month shots sometime tonight. That won't be fun since he's getting 4 at one time. They plan on giving him some Tylenol first since one of the shots is one of those thicker immunizations.

SVRHC Charges: $1,916.50
Running Total: $360,753.38

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