Wednesday, September 20, 2006

9/20/06: Day 68 (Wed.) Apnea Monitor Must Die!

We survived the first night with Evan home...what's up with babies not sleeping through the night?? We're about ready to through the apnea monitor out the window though. It's as loud as a smoke detector and is easily set off if the leads are setting wrong on his chest. When this thing goes off, it sends you straight up out of bed.

Evan was really fussy when we put him down in his play yard for bedtime. We're using the play yard/pack-and-play in our room...he has a crib in his room also. Initially, we're keeping him close by...we'll eventually put him in his room on the other side of the house. Since he was fussing so much, I ended up taking him and the apnea monitor and slept on the couch so at least T could get some sleep. The one nice thing about the apnea monitor is that it will tell us if he isn't breathing, so I felt comfortable sleeping with him on the couch. He slept well that just seems he needs to have some human touch these first few days while he's sleeping. I still didn't sleep super-well since I was up almost the whole night.

Chronological age: 2 months 1 week and 5 days
Adjusted age: 4 days

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,
Sounds like things are going well. The best thing to do is try to sleep every time Evan does. That is the only way to survive.