Tuesday, September 19, 2006

9/19/06: Day 67 (Tues.) We're Home!!*

Whew...we made it home! Today was a crazy day! We had to be at the hospital at 9:30am to meet up with the respiratory technician from Apria for our instructions. She brought us the smaller oxygen tanks...really easy to set up and use. This makes him so much more portable now! Nice to know we only have to have the apnea monitor on him when we're not directly watching him (like while we're sleeping). That thing is SO loud.

We have a 25 foot oxygen tube, so we can move him around relatively easily. We have him hooked up to the medium size oxygen tank that will last him a few days. Apria is supposed to deliver the large tank tomorrow (that will last about 18 days). They'll come by and swap out the tanks for us on certain days. The small portable tank will last about 24 hours. We have a handful of each of those tanks in garage, so he won't run out.

It was a little wierd leaving the hospital without all the bells and whistles...just him and an oxygen tank. It now falls on us to observe him and make sure he is breathing well. So far, so good! The pups are a little anxious...they've been underfoot all day trying to figure out who this little guy is. Max tried to take his sock off when I was holding him. :-)

He was a little fussy this afternoon...I think it was too much excitement for him today. He did great in the car ride home (all 5 minutes of it)! It's nice to be close to the hospital. We just gave him bath this evening and put him in his sleeper gown. Hopefully it will be a calm night!

Chronological age: 2 months 1 week and 4 days
Adjusted age: 3 days

Evan in his "crib"

In the swing with his protector, Max

SVRHC Charges: $95.51
Running Total: $368,096.54


Anonymous said...

So exciting!! A lot more happy days to come!


Joey "Eggshells" said...

WOO HOO!! Welcome home, bud! I see lotsa spoilin' in your future!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home, little Evan!
Now the fun starts ... and it looks like the other two "babies" in the house are going to be lots of help.