Friday, October 06, 2006

10/6/06: Day 84 (Fri.) 3 Months Old!*

Today was bath day for Evan since he was going to visit his favorite doctor today, Dr. Vedock. I managed to give him a bath by myself since T went back to work today. I'll still be home until November 1.

We don't have to go back to the doctor's office for 2 weeks. We're sad that Dr. Vedock is moving away! I have to take him to the hospital on Monday to get labs drawn again.

I was uploading the video I posted on yesterday's blog when Max, our German Shepherd, comes into the room panting. It was the tell-tale sound of a thunderstorm approaching. I had to get a vid of him under the computer desk. This big 80-pound dog is frightened of thunder and when a storm is near, he tries to get under the desk (usually when we are sitting at the desk).
*Weight check: 7 lbs. 6 oz.
*Length: 20 inches
Chronological age: 3 months 0 weeks and 0 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 2 weeks and 6 days

This is our early-warning system for thunderstorms

Here was the storm that lasted all of about 5 minutes

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