Sunday, October 29, 2006

10/29/06: Day 107 (Sun.) Will the Steelers ever win? :-(

Wow, another Steeler loss today (and to the Raiders of all teams...thugs)! Evan is getting used to our new house guest, T's mom. She'll be watching Evan during the day when I go back to work on Wednesday. T has been able to get Evan to take about 3.5 ounces during a feeding which is a good increse in volume. He never finishes that much when I feed him. He slept really well last night, he only got up around 4:30am after going to bed around 11pm. Of course he always sleeps well when it's T's night to take care of him. ;-)

A reminder now that the rest of the world fell back an hour, Arizona doesn' we're on back Mountain time zone (2 hours behind the east coast, 1 hour ahead of Cali).
Chronological age: 3 months 3 weeks and 2 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 1 month 2 weeks and 1 day

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