Wednesday, July 26, 2006

7/26/06: Day 12 (Wed.) PIC Line Adjustment

We're almost settled into our hospital routine (not something I'm overjoyed about though). Today I drove up earlier in the day without T since it seems the past few days we've been so rushed to get on the road after he comes home from work, visit with Evan before shift change at 6:45 and then have to turn right around and head back home. It was nice to have a bit more time to sit with him and talk with one of his primary nurses, Marianne.

A tiny bit of good news is that they are slowly turning down the amplitude on his respirator. I didn't have the chance to talk with any of the doctors to ask them what signs they look for to take him off that oscillating respirator and onto the nasal CPAP or regular respirator. Now, it seems like we just have to be patient and let time mature his lungs.

The burn specialists looked at his right foot this morning and they are applying a special dressing to the burn. I got to see the wound and it looks really bad...the skin is all black in a square shape. They have to change out his dressing every 4 hours. Hopefully, he won't have too bad of a scar.

He had an x-ray today to check on the PIC line (to make sure it's in the right position). Marianne said they pulled it back a bit since it wasn't sitting in a optimal position. She wasn't sure if they were able to see the condition of his lungs on the x-ray...but she is sure they are healing well since she doesn't get much discoloration when she suctions his lungs.

Evan was really fidgity today, the most I've seen him move around. Marianne told me they are cutting back on his Fentanyl which is for pain and he is probably becoming more sensitive to the environment. In his right arm/hand is the catheter that monitors his blood pressure (the ART line). Since he's been moving around more, he kept flat-lining the ART line and setting off an alarm. Marianne just moves his arm and the monitor corrects itself. She laughs since he always wants to have his arm up (he usually keeps both his arms up, likes he's being held up at gunpoint). She'll put his arm down by his side, but he'll immediately put it back up. He likes to have his arm near the respirator tube.

That's it for today!

UMC Charges: $7,035.25
Running Total: $138,531.99

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