Tuesday, July 25, 2006

7/25/06: Day 11 (Tues.) First Diaper Change

Another relatively good day for the little guy. His nurse told us they are only checking his blood gases every 6 hours (instead of every 3 hours). This measures oxygen, carbon dioxide and acid content in a small blood sample taken from his artery. That's a good thing since it shows his respiratory system is slowly starting to kick in and they don't need to check it so often.

He was off the bililights (again)...so hopefully the jaundice is all gone. The burn on his right foot (that I wrote about yesterday) is going to get looked at by a specialist. The nurse told me those burns happen due to the bicarb infusions they do. If the IV isn't placed precisely correct (which is hard due to preemies little veins and arteries), a chemical-like burn can happen. At least it didn't happen on his forehead as is the case with other preemies. This burn is on top of his foot, so even if he gets a scar, it won't be that obvious.

I did get to change his diaper today! It's my first diaper change! He hasn't had a bowel movement yet, so it was pretty easy despite doing it through the incubator. The even weigh each wet diaper and it gets charted with the rest of medications and information. His eye lids didn't look so puffy today, so hopefully his swelling is decreasing. I was assured by the nurse that the odd shape to his head will go away (since he lays on his side all the time, his head is getting narrow and flat on the sides).

UMC Charges: $6,863.45
Running Total: $131,496.74

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