Tuesday, July 18, 2006

7/18/06: Day 4 (Tues.) Pulmonary Hemorrhage*

I think I may be off on my day numbering, so bear with me. :-) Wow, amazing how things can change from day to day. All part of being a preemie. Today our little guy was not a happy camper.

I had called earlier in the morning for a check on how he did through the night. He was moved into an incubator (which is actually a good thing), but his blood platelet counts were down and they had to give him a bit more blood. They are trying to wean him off sedation to see how he manages, so all this could have played a role in the distress he had today.

By the time we got there, he went into a little bit of respiratory distress. They found a bit of blood in his lungs and took an x-ray. His lung x-ray came back white (which meant his lungs were a mess). His CO2 readings went sky high (meaning he couldn't blow-off his CO2). The attending doctor and numerous nurses all were working on him to get him back to reasonable levels. His other vital signs were rock-steady, so the nurses and doctor were not in any panic mode.

They took him off the respirator to see what he would do (hoping he would be happy with that), but he didn't do well and they had to intibate him again (not fun). They put him on a different type of respirator, one that breathes 500 times a minute for him so that was finally bringing his CO2 levels back down (he was at 90+ and normal is around 50). They gave him some demerol and were ordering some more sedation to mellow him out and let this other respirator heal him. They plan on doing another x-ray tomorrow morning, so hopefully they'll see clear lungs.

All we could do today was stand back and watch, we didn't even get to touch him. Not sure if we are driving up tomorrow, but I will post an update from the nurses as I get them.

Chronological age: 0 months 0 weeks 4 days
Adjusted/Gestastional age: 31 3/7 weeks
UMC Charges: $10,499.60
Running Total: $75,580.79

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