Thursday, May 03, 2007

5/3/07: Day 293 (Thurs.) Mmmm, rice cereal

The new part to the morning routine is to "expose" Evan to rice cereal. I use the word "expose" since he isn't too keen on eating it yet. He likes trying to steal the spoon from my hand or grabbing the end of the spoon and getting the cereal all over himself. Is there a non-messy way to feed a baby? Every morning I'll give him the opportunity to eat the cereal until he finally takes to it.

Evan had a great day today according to his daycare teachers. It's always a good thing to pick him up and the end of the day and he is still in the same outfit I dressed him in that morning!

Evan's musical sleeping selection for tonight: The Steve Miller Band; Fly Like an Eagle. Whenever I hear a 70's band like Steve Miller, it reminds me of my older sisters since they listened to that group. I was lucky to have sisters who had good taste in music back then!

Chronological age: 41 weeks and 6 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 7 months, 2 weeks and 3 days

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