Wednesday, May 02, 2007

5/2/07: Day 292 (Wed.) Music Man

Evan took very well to his nebulizer treatment at daycare. They gave him his treatment around 2:30pm. I gave him a treatment before taking him to daycare and he was not happy with me. I wish I could have snapped a picture of the mean look he had on his face when I roused him from his sleep to get him ready to go.

To minimize the risk of Evan puking on me when I drop him off at daycare, I wait until after I've already gotten ready for work to wake him up. He's been sleeping in very well. I change him out, put him in the car seat and go. I make up a 3oz. bottle to give him after I get him to daycare. So far, the technique has been working. Now that I have to do the nebulizer treatment, it delays his morning bottle. It didn't seem to bother him too much this morning. The bottle seems to be the perfect distractor for him in daycare first thing in the morning; especially if the babies are crying a lot.

We're trying to expose Evan to all types of music (hoping he takes after his mom and has musical talent). Every night we put him to sleep with a different music CD. We'll reserve groups like White Zombie and the Lords of Acid until he gets a little bit older. Tonight, his CD selection is Creedence Clearwater Revival, Chronicles Volume 2. Last night was the Best of The Temptations; so we are expanding his repertoire.

Chronological age: 41 weeks and 5 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 7 months, 2 weeks and 2 days

1 comment:

Joey "Eggshells" said...

Lemme know if you need some KISS