Tuesday, May 01, 2007

5/1/07: Day 291 (Tues.) 9-Month Check Up

Evan had his 9-Month Well Baby Checkup today. Since Dr. Ettinger is on sabbatical, a new younger doctor, Dr. Smith gave Evan the exam. Evan still is an ounce shy of 14 pounds, but he is getting longer (25.5 inches). When I inputted all his stats, he has fallen into the -2 standard deviation (you can see on the chart). Nothing huge to worry about, but he is small even for his adjusted age.

Evan still has that lingering cough with nasal congestion. Dr. Smith thinks it will take a while for him to kick it since he's been seeing perfectly healthy kids have it for 8-10 weeks. So the nasal sucking will continue (Evan just loves it)!;-)

Dr. Smith also put Evan back on the Albuterol treatments every four hours for the next 10 days. He thinks if we can get his airways wide open, it will help him expel a lot of that crap in his chest. There was definitely no pneumonia in his lungs, so that is a relief. He is having us stop the 3 times a day Dimetapp/Albuterol syrup that Dr. E had prescribed. Dr. Smith says research has come out showing that it really isn't effective. Which I can see in Evan's case since he has been taking that since the end of March and his cough and congestion hasn't improved.

We also got the green light to start him on rice cereal/solids. Yea! A step closer to getting him caught up with his peers!

Happy Anniversary to Jen's parents!!

** Stat Check:
Weight 13 pounds 15 ounces
Length 25.5 inches
Head circumference 42cm

Chronological age: 41 weeks and 4 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 7 months, 2 weeks and 1 day

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