Thursday, August 02, 2007

8/2/07: Been Bad About Blogging...

Things have been crazy-busy so apologies to all of you who are missing your Evan-fix. I need to take some video of Evan's latest "tricks"...still no crawling yet, but he likes to pull himself up to a standing position. So, who knows, maybe he will skip the whole crawling-thing? With his increased mobility, we also have an increase in boo-boos with him falling over and bumping his head or his eye...the boy needs a helmet!

The monsoons have been steady this summer and we've had some real big downpours daily. We forgot that when the monsoons arrive, so does the seasonal "Sadie-pee" on the living room carpet. For some reason, when it rains, she will not go outside and relieve herself...instead she chooses to do so in relatively the same spot on the carpet. T was not happy to discover (aka step in ) it on Monday. Since then, Sadie has been banished to the backyard all day. The thing that stinks about it is that Max is stuck inside the house since we have to close up the dog door. He's pretty good about holding it all day until we get home.

Evan is still doing well at daycare. He is pretty much still the smallest kid there (even smaller than the infants on the other side of the room). So he is truly turning into a little-man. His food palette has expanded to peas and green beans, so he'll eat almost anything. I gave him a Cheerio this morning (I snagged it off of one of the other kids). He wasn't sure what to do with it, but he let it sit in his mouth and dissolve (thank goodness no choking hazard there). Today they were doing some sort of artwork with Jello (to get them used to different textures). Tomorrow is finger painting (with edible paint of course).

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