Sunday, August 27, 2006

8/27/06: Day 44 (Sun.) Could Our Days Be Numbered?

Great news to hear today...rumor is that the doctors were talking about making a decision tomorrow about keeping Evan at UMC or transferring him to the Sierra Vista Hospital. Since he is still on a relatively high amount of oxygen (.50), I don't think he'll be completely discharged for a little while longer. The doctors asked Marianne to turn down his oxygen to .125 (which is a very low flow amount) to see how he would react. He reacted as expected, his O2 saturation levels dropped quickly (into the 70's). Even at .40 he has lower than acceptable O2 levels, so Marianne knew there was no way he would tolerate .125. So, the little guy remains at .5 for now.

For those of you who don't want to read about poop, please skip this section:

I hit another milestone far we've done the first diaper change, holding him for the first time, bathing him for the first time, feeding him for the first time, getting pee'd on for the first, the ultimate milestone...I got pooped on for the first time! While feeding him prior to shift-change, I knew there was a party going on in his diaper. I didn't think it was going to be too bad and had planned on changing his diaper once he was done with his bottle. As I was shifting him from one arm to the other, there it was, the up-the-back and out-the-diaper mega poo. He managed to leak it so bad it was on my shirt, my shorts and on the cover for my Boppy pillow. Prior to the incident, I had changed him into a cute onesie, but alas, it is now soaking in cold water. Of course this all happens right before shift-change when parents have to leave until the next shift comes on at 7:45pm. Marianne and I tag-teamed the clean up and Evan was all snugged in his new outfit and new blanket in no time.

If it is true we'll be transferring out of UMC, it will be bittersweet since Evan's primary nurse, Marianne will be on vacation for about a week. She won't get to see us go. :-(

UMC Charges: $2,800.00
Running Total: $319,321.44

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great new Jen and T. You need him close to home!