Our little guy is four weeks away from being a full-term, 40-week baby! Hopefully that means he'll be coming home within that time. It's been so much nicer since we can put him in clothes (he's starting to look like a normal kid). Thanks to those of you gave us baby clothes as gifts, they are now coming in handy.
We were at the hospital for his noon, 3pm and 6pm feedings, so it was a long day! Almost all the babies in pod 3 were cranky today, including Evan (he was the least cranky out of all of them). He is getting a lot more sensitive to when his tummy is empty, and he lets everyone know that. Once the milk starts hitting his stomach through the gavage tube, he's happy. Since we were there for so long today, we both had good quality time holding him. He loves tugging at the tape keeping his nasal cannula in place, so we have to wrap him like a burrito to keep his hands down. While we're holding him and he is in sleep-mode, he has been putting his hands to his face and mouth, which the nurses say that's a sign he is able to comfort himself.
Nothing new on the medical front aside that his burn foot is still getting treated and they are still increasing his feeds 1ml every 3 hours. I think he was up to 40+ml today and the new goal is to get into the 60mls per feeding.
UMC Charges: $4,000.00
Running Total: $296,321.44
Hey Guys,
WOW! What a good looking boy. Sorry I haven't commented but I'm in Korea and this is the first chance I've gotten to catch up on Big E. I'm so happy for you guys and can't wait to help spoil Evan. I get back Friday and I'll be in touch.
Evan looks wonderful..I am so glad he has the PIC line and IV off..I know he has to feel better with that stuff off..I am continuing to pray for Evan everyday and I look forward to checking your Blog each day so I can see how good Evan is doing..I know you probably think it is strange that I keep in touch and pray for you guys.I don't know you at all..I can't explain it ,but I really care,Evan has touched my heart strings, and although I will never meet you guys or little Evan.. I feel that a liitle prayer, even from a stranger, can only be a good thing..If it bothers you that I and praying for you and sending comments just let me know..Oh, I am now 35 wks pregnant..I don't have much longer and I probably can't check in on you guys, computer is @ work..Home computer went kaputt..Lots of love from my family to yours....
Lynette & Bryan(my husband)
edd 9.25.06(Nathan Matthew)
ds 3.28.06(Brandon)16 mths
dd 1.12.96(Melody) 10yrs
ds 11.30.93(Dalton) 12yrs
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