Apologies for not posting last night, I was just exhausted from being in Tucson almost all day. I have been trying to be at the hospital as much as possible during the day before I have to go back to work at the end of next week. I'll take time off again when Evan comes home. The only bummer is that T hasn't been able to be at the hospital the past three days since I'm there during the work day.
Evan has already reached full feeds (they are still increasing 1ml every feed), so I am happy to report that Evan is off the IV! Another surprise is that they took out his PIC line also, so his left arm is now free! The only wires left are the ones attached to monitor his heart rate, breathing rate and oxygen saturation. Of those three, the one they are watching the most is the O2 saturation. They have periodically tried to turn down his oxygen flow, but he still isn't tolerating very well. His O2 levels will start to drop into the 80s and lower. At this point, it's nothing to worry about, it just shows his lungs are still growing, so they aren't in any rush to push him.
Evan got a bath today, which was a bit easier since his PIC line was removed. It turned into a three-person job. We had to wrap his burn foot in plastic to make sure it didn't get wet and one person had to hold his foot out of the tub. His burn is healing very well according to the nurses. The black part of it has fallen off and the new tissue growth looks very healthy. So, chances are, he won't have a scar that is too noticeable. Now that he is IV free, we can put him in baby clothes like onesies, so he's starting to look like a normal baby.
Evan is becoming more vocal around feeding time, which is showing he is more aware of hunger feelings. He was so mad and fussy, but as soon as the milk started going through the gavage, he was super-calm. A few days ago, his O2 levels would also drop after he would be fed, but now, his levels are steady during and after feeding (in the upper 90's).
5-Week weight check: 2295 grams = about 5 lbs. 2 oz.
UMC Charges (8/17): $4,074.85
UMC Charges (8/18): $4,000.00
Running Total: $292,321.44
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