Amazing that we're at the one month mark...starting to see a tiny, tiny light at the end of the tunnel. Here's Evan's one-month picture...yes, there is a baby in that picture under all that stuff.
T got to hold Evan for the first time today. Despite the rocking chair killing his rear, he held him the whole time. Marianne had told us when we walked in that she had just gotten Evan settled down, he was not having a great afternoon (just his typical fussiness about the CPAP). But, when T held him, he went right into sleep mode and didn't complain at all. Marianne was hoping they would move him off the CPAP today, but she said the doctors are still being cautious. They don't want to rush it and risk him going backwards back onto the respirator. His blood gases have been spot-on, so that is a super-positive sign he will be ready to move off the CPAP very soon.
The nurses are encouraging us to hold him as much as possible when we visit. It seems like he has hit that stage where he is reacting positively to personal touch. Marianne said she has been holding him as much as she can, but she usually is taking care of another baby along with Evan and that makes it hard. Preemies in the early stages don't react well to personal touch (the most we could do was touch/hold his head and feet to simulate the feeling in the womb)...so it is encouraging to see that he is reacting now. While T was holding him, his heart rate, breathing and oxygen saturation levels were all perfect.
UMC Charges: $6,862.45
Running Total: $258,263.39
1 comment:
What a wonderful milestone for you two to be able to hold little Evan. We continue to follow his progress from Jacksonville, keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Jack & Melani
Jax, FL
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