Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Two Words in Row!

Big day today...Evan said 2 words in a row! He said "bye bye truck" (o.k. that's really 3 words, but two unique words in a row)! All heavy equipment is a "truck" to him, so they were actually bulldozers working on the parking lot beside where I work. Evan was having a bad day at daycare, so I had to pick him up bring him to work. He loves sneaking through the turnstile (he's skinny enough to squeeze through the side) and walking up and down the stairs.

Got a call from Dr. Smith's nurse today with Evan's lab work and x-ray results. Nothing bad to report on the x-ray; nothing really bad to report on his bloodwork; but Dr. Smith still wants Evan to see a pediatric endocrinologist. I asked the nurse if Evan's TSH's levels were off (which would mean a thyroid problem like Mom); but she said the results were within the normal range. So, we'll try to find a local doctor (but chances are we'll have to go to Tucson for that too).

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