Monday, January 14, 2008

Please join me in supporting March of Dimes March For Babies

Hello!! Evan here!! Can you believe I just turned a year and a half? I would have typed this myself, but Mom and Dad don't like me smudging up the keyboard. For the second year in a row, I'll be participating as a member of "Team Warrior 06" in the March of Dimes March For Babies in Sierra Vista in April. Please support my fundraising efforts by sponsoring me today.

Contributing to my walk online is fast, easy and secure. You can donate directly from my personal webpage with a credit/debit card or PayPal. If you prefer, I can also accept cash or check. Just click the appropriate box on my webpage. Go ahead, check out my webpage...I just get cuter as time goes by!

The money I will raise helps save premature and sick babies. Premature birth is the #1 cause of newborn death and the biggest threat to babies’ health today, and through March For Babies, the March of Dimes is funding important research to find out why premature birth happens and what can be done to prevent it.

I’ve joined with millions of compassionate people across the country who support March For Babies each year. Won’t you please help me in this worthy cause? Visit my webpage and sponsor me in the walk that saves babies like me!

With your support, there’s hope.

My personal web page address for donations is:

My buddy Mya (Joey P's granddaughter) will also be participating in the Phoenix-area WalkAmerica. You can check up with her on Joey's blog:

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