Friday, January 18, 2008

A Cheese Head Just For This Weekend

Since my Steelers are no longer in the Super Bowl race...I am now rooting for the Green Bay Packers. Why you might ask?? Brett Favre was my fantasy football QB this season and he helped to push my team into the finals with Joey. So I think it is only fitting that I throw Brett some luv in his playoff hopes. Sorry Joey, but I'm rooting against your Giants (but I am grateful to them for beating the Cowboys).

Evan's shirt today was sporting the Green Bay colors...hopefully we didn't jinx them!

1 comment:

Joey "Eggshells" said...

"Brett Favre was my fantasy football QB this season and he helped to push my team into the finals with Joey." And how did that work out for ya? Jen, Jen, Jen.....I'm just glad they made it this far.

Good luck sweets.