Monday, January 15, 2007

1/15/07: Day 185 (Mon.) Another Trip to the Pulmonologist

We made our third trip to the pulmonologist in Tucson. We had our fingers crossed that we would get the green light to take Evan off the O2. When we got there, I overheard the nurse saying Dr. Brown wasn't there that day (he was the second specialist we saw, the first was Dr. Morgan). This time, we saw Dr. Daines, the third different doctor. They didn't even have a nurse there to take his pulse oximeter reading, so it was a quick visit.

Dr. Daines played cautious and told us to take him off the O2 during the day, but put him back on at night. We have to come back in another month (aargh). The receptionist had me call a different number to get an appointment since they were already booked up for the clinic a month from now.
Chronological age: 26 weeks and 3 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 3 months, 3 weeks and 6 days

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