Monday, January 01, 2007

1/1/07: Day 171 (Mon.) Ringing In the New Year

Happy 2007! So weird to be writing that year since it makes me feel so old! Amazing how the time has flown:

- Almost 6 months since Evan was born (after almost 3 years of trying)
- Starting our 7th year of living in Arizona
- Almost 10 years ago we were living in Germany
- Almost 12 years ago we both enlisted in the Army
- Almost 15 years (ahem, 14 for T) since we've been out of college
- Almost 19 years since we've been out of high school

Here's to kicking 2006 out the door and bring on 2007. I didn't really make any resolutions, but I am hopeful that these things will happen:

- Evan will come off the oxygen and be illness-free
- Evan's weight and length will catch up to his chronological age
- T and I will both get down to our basic training weights ;-)
- The Gators beat Ohio State for the National Championship
- The Steelers will be competitive again

We'll see how all that works out!

Chronological age: 24 weeks and 3 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 3 months, 2 weeks and 2 days

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