Tuesday, April 24, 2007

4/24/07: Day 284 (Tues.) O.k...who does he look like?

The debate still rages on...who does Evan look more like? Here are pics all around the same age. You can vote using the comments. :-)

There's no argument from me that he has his dad's feet (you can't tell since Evan has shoes on in this pic).

Chronological age: 40 weeks and 4 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 7 months, 1 weeks and 1 days


Anonymous said...

I vote for Dad

--from an anonymous, brown-eyed, long-toed, half-Japanese person ;)

Joey "Eggshells" said...
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Joey "Eggshells" said...

It's close but I think T wins. He has Jen's mouth and cheeks but T's eyes and nose. The ears are the tie breaker. BTW loved that "jumping" video...strong legs like that....definately a Running Back.