Monday, April 09, 2007

4/9/07: Day 269 (Mon.) We're Melting!

Another case of the Mondays for Evan...the weekend just knocks him off schedule. He had a major puke incident after I set him in one of the bouncy chairs. I managed to catch most of it in a burp cloth, but still had to change his outfit. When I picked him up in the afternoon, he was in another different outfit. This time he had a minor poop-blowout. Thank goodness today is the last day for his antibiotics.

First it was the woodpecker...who we think has given up on pecking into our house...and now the refrigerator! Sunday night I noticed the items in the freezer had condensation on them. Everything was starting to thaw! Aaargh! We turned the temp down in the freezer hoping that would help, but no. Now today, the refrigerator is feeling relatively warm. T called the Sears guys and he can be out tomorrow to fix it (of course we're out of the warranty period)!
Chronological age: 38 weeks and 3 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 6 months, 3 week and 3 days

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