Thought you all would get a grin from Evan's latest pic. T snapped this this morning before we headed out to daycare. He didn't get to wear it all day due to a poop-accident later in the morning...darn that antibiotic! Evan's teachers thought he was too cute.
Hard to believe Evan's 38 weeks old...he'll turn 9 months next weekend. In a baby book I have it says that a 38-weeker should be 19.75 pounds and 28.5 inches long...ummm...we're waaay below that! O.k...flip backwards in the book to a 28-weeker...hmmm...16.5 pounds and 26.75 inches. We're still below that and slowly catching up. Evan weighed a bit less than 14 pounds at his doctor's appointment last Thursday.
Chronological age: 38 weeks and 0 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 6 months, 3 week and 0 days
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