A new schedule to get used to now that Evan is down here in Sierra Vista. Thank goodness we live near the hospital and it's on the way to work for us. Since the nursery doesn't have a lot of freezer space, I have to bring in a few bottles every day instead a large bulk amount at UMC. They are fortifying the milk to help him gain weight a bit faster. I think I heard them say he weighs 5lbs. 9oz. now, but I'll check on that.
It is funny since to us Evan looks like he's gotten so much bigger, but now that he is beside full-term babies, he still looks so small! The nurses were nice enough to do his feet prints since the prints we had were done very hastily and looked messy. Comparing the earlier feet prints, he has definitely grown. His feet were about 2 inches long at birth, and now they are over 2.5 inches long.
His O2 levels have been steady, so no change to his level. His nasal cannula was half hanging out since the tape holding it on needed replaced. During our evening visit, we asked the nurse (Chrissy) to retape it and it now looks much better. The tape was falling off the past 2 days and we thought someone would take the intiative to change it (um, that didn't happen). Chrissy also suctioned his nose (which we don't think the day shift nurses are doing), and got some nice snot out that was bothering him. He's still eating well, about 60ml/2oz every feeding. They are letting him wake up on his own when he is hungry, but they won't let him go more than 3-4 hours without eating.
If you can tell by my post, I am slightly disappointed in the care Evan is getting in comparision to UMC. Of course it's like comparing apples and oranges to compare the two hospitals. But at UMC, the nurses would make sure his clothes were changed and his bed linens were changed out. I've found that if we don't do it during a visit, it doesn't get done. The nurses also don't practice good inside voices while in the nursery (they talk so loudly all the time). They usually leave the overhead lights on, so tonight we turned one of his fleece blankets into a makeshift tent to cover his face from the light. He's due for a bath tomrrow, so we'll see if the nurses will do it without being reminded.
SVRHC Charges: $1,822.91
Running Total: $331,790.94