Monday, June 02, 2008

Moving Up To The "Older Ones"

Today Evan was moved into the "older ones" room. They decided to move him into the other room since he's getting close to his 2nd birthday and they want to try to keep him with the kids close to his age. He was pretty much the only kid in the "younger ones" classroom who helped to clean up and do other more advanced things. He still doesn't talk much, but compared to the others in his class, he's right about at their levels. The big difference in this new classroom is that when they eat meals, they sit in real chairs at a low table.

We also had a home visit by the occupational therapist, Mandy. She's working with us to help advance his eating skills. She was impressed on how "mature" he's getting in his walking and drinking from a straw. He has improved a lot on his school eating, but still isn't a big eater for us at home. At home we can get him to eat sweet potatoes (of course), tomato soup with crackers, Cool Ranch Doritos, Chips Ahoy Soft and Chewy cookies, Cheez-Its....WHOO HOO the Pittsburgh Penguins won in triple overtime....(sorry for the aside)....tortilla chips, and cheese. It's an odd diet, we know! At daycare he'll eat what he's served, so he is getting a wide variety of food. Evan has been chewing and swallowing much better (he used to stuff his cheeks full and then spit it all out). Mandy is going to continue observing him at daycare and doing follow-up home visits with us. Tomorrow we have a home visit with the speech therapist and his case worker.

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