Saturday, November 03, 2007

Mr. Cranky-Pants

Evan has been an absolute cranky-pants the past few days. We're attributing it to his top 4 front teeth all coming in at one time. He's been cutting these teeth for a while now and I thought all was good...until now. He's been waking up at nighttime in scream mode. We've been giving him teething tablets that friends have told me they swear by. They seem to work with him, but the trick is to get them in his mouth to dissolve without him gagging and throwing up.

We've been logging all his daily food intake (or lack thereof) the past week. His caloric intake has been terrible this past week; not sure if it's again the teething issue where he just doesn't want to teat. He'll drink his bottles like a druken sailor, but try to give him baby food and he writhes around like we're feeding him poison. He also loves to stick his fingers in his mouth and make himself gag; which most of the time results in him hurling whatever he ate last (nice). We'll do an unofficial weigh in tomorrow to see if he's gained/lost weight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen-
I am trying to get caught up with some old friends! I hope you guys are well! I peek in on your blog now and then - but business has been nuts (as always) but more so this past year as photography has exploded - we shoot weddings and tons of commercial work and portrait sessions! I miss all my SV friends and send you our regards! Evan is a doll - he looks just like his daddy. I read your blog and just admire your strength to no end dealing with all the obstacles and challenges. You rock, girlfriend! Ever hear from Arlene? Fill me in!! Check out our blogs when you have some time:
Take care - love you guys! -- Tara Pasibe ;-)