Tuesday, February 13, 2007

2/13/07: Day 214 (Tues.) Seeing the Eye Doc

Evan had his follow-up appointment in Tucson with Dr. Miller. He's the pediatric ophthalmologist who checked performed his eye exam when he was in the NICU. The medical assistant first used drops to dilate his eyes. We didn't see Dr. Miller until about 30-40 minutes later (I guess the rain made everyone late).

His exam took about 10 minutes and Evan did great. Dr. Miller used a little magnifying lens and checked the back of his eye. He was able to determine that Evan is far-sighted right now, but not to worry. Since he doesn't have any cross-eye or lazy-eye problems, he expects Evan to end up being near-sighted just like his parents! He still is officially diagnosed with ROP, but is expected to grow out of it.
Chronological age: 30 weeks and 4 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 4 months, 4 weeks and 0 days

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