Friday, December 29, 2006

12/29/06: Day 168 (Fri.) RSV Shot and Weight Update!

Evan had his 3rd Synagis shot today. You can read his latest weight/length below (he's becoming a chunker)!. He had gained 1 lb. 5 oz. since the last Synagis shot in November, so the nurse said she had to add a cc to his injection (a good thing). He was a trooper again during the injection. He cried for about a minute and then was fine.

He has his 6-month well-baby exam on January 17th (which also means his 6-month shots also). We asked the nurse to do a quick oxygen saturation check on him also. We turned off his oxygen and he was in the upper-90's, which is excellent. We can tell the pulmonologist in Tucson that he is finally at a normal level at our altitude.

Weight update!
11 lbs. 4oz; 23 inches long
Chronological age: 24 weeks and 0 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 3 months, 1 weeks and 6 days

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