Evan in his favorite position, laying all tucked up on your chest.
Apologies for not posting...the holiday weekend has us all thrown off. It was nice having an extra day to hang out with Evan. He is down to about .3 on his oxygen. The nurses tell us for the past 2 nights right around midnight, his O2 saturation levels drop into the 80's and they have had to put him back up to .4. Weird! But then his percentage will max out again at 100 and they bring him back down. Hmmm, could he have just needed his nose suctioned? I guess we'll never know!
Earlier today (Monday), Dr. Patel was around and I asked him if there would be a point when the cannula would be more of an obstruction than a help to his breathing. It hit me the other night that if the oxygen flow is so light, the cannula prongs would be blocking his nose a bit (making it harder for him to breathe and giving an inaccurate reading on his pulse oximeter). Dr. Patel did agree with my concern. He said that past cases have shown, when it looks like it's time to pull the cannula out when the O2 flow is very low, babies still de-sat too much. It's almost like they still need that feel of the cannula in their nose.
When he was laying on my chest tonight, I noticed he had one of the cannula prongs out of his nose. I let him stay like that just to see what his numbers would do. He was still doing great on his stomach, but when I shifted him to his back, his numbers started to drop and I put the other prong back in his nose. So much for experimentation on my nasal blockage theory. So, it still looks like our guy isn't going anywhere for a while. I still think he's going to do like he always does, makes a big jump when you aren't expecting it. Just like when he made huge jumps from the conventional respirator to the CPAP to the nasal cannula all in the matter of days. We're hoping he'll be home in time for Monday Night Football, but we're not holding our breath. ;-)
SVRHC Charges:
$1,860.21 (9/3)
$1,862.25 (9/4)
Running Total: $339,229.82
1 comment:
Sorry you are having such a bad time w/ the nursing staff..I would defanatley say something and make sure they do their jobs. I just wanted to let you know that This is my last day @ work so I will not be commenting anymore..I am now 37 wks preg, dr. says I am measuring 43 wks and could have baby anytime..I will continue to pray for Evan (and his nurse problem) Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your lives..I know that Evan will be home soon..Lot's of love from my family to yours...
Lynette & Bryan(My husband)
edd 9.25.06(Nathan Matthew)
ds 3.28.05(Brandon)
dd 1.12.96(Melody)
ds 11.30.93(Dalton)
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