Evan was really fussy again while we were there...how nice of the nurse to tell us he was fine just before we got there. It doesn't help that every time we're there, they are rotating/repositioning him, which gets him a little upset. I changed his diaper and it was sopping wet, which is probably why he was fussy. He was breathing a lot against the respirator, so it's looking like he really wants to get that tube out. It's still better if he relaxes and just lets the respirator do it's work.
We're driving back up tomorrow, so hopefully there will be more good news to share. We're anxious to hear on Tuesday about how that medicine is doing on healing his PDA. The nurse told us he weighs almost 4 1/2 pounds, which still could be water weight, but he's looking bigger.
UMC Charges: $8,240.55
Running Total: $171,250.64
Hey I am L.Lyon I orinally started chatting w/ you on the "due Sept. 2006 board. on BBC..I have been keeping up with little Evan and you guys sine he was born.I just wanted to let you know I have been praying for Evan "the warrior" every morning & I will continue to pray for him. I think about him throught out my day @ work and say a little prayer then also.I myself and 32 wks pregnant and have went into pre-term labor w/previous pregnancies but so far so good w/ this one(a boy, we are naming him Nathan.)
Sorry, It's L/Lyon again. I just wanted to let you know my e-mail address is: llyon@masupplycompany.com
Just incase you need it..
Hi Jen-
We are so happy for you and Takeshi...although early, Evan looks like a healthy, beautiful boy!! You must be beeming! I swear I just relived this experiene a couple months ago - my step-sister had a baby girl at 31 weeks...almost by the book , the same scenario. She is doing fantastic as I know Evan will! We think of you all and wish you lots of love and happy days ahead! I wish we could be there to meet Evan - please give him big kisses from his Auntie and Uncle in South Carolina!
Love you 3 - Tara Pasibe
Hey, Jen! Know that I have been keeping tabs on your guys via your website, which is awesome, as usual. Your little guy is adorable and I can't wait to see some better pictures when he's more mobile and can pose for the camera!
This time will go by so fast. Before you know it, he'll be home and you'll be reflecting on his early days ... probably while you're up changing his diaper at 3am!
Keep posting and know that I'm thinking about you! TL!
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