Tuesday, July 25, 2006

7/24/06: Day 10 (Mon.) PIC Line Moved

Another non-drama day (yea)! I did forget to mention in the previous post that Evan gained a bit of weight (even though they think it's due to water retention). As of Sunday he weighed 4 pounds, 2 ounces (up from 3 lbs. 8 oz. when he was born). Weight has never been an issue with him since he was a decent size for his age to begin with, but it's good to see the numbers go up. When we were there on Monday, T and I were commenting on how much bigger he is looking (especially his feet). Evan has a "neighbor" who is one of a set of twin boys who are 26 weeks old and weigh a little over 2 pounds, so he's the big kid on the block!

Not sure if I mentioned before, they had to move his PIC line from his foot to his left hand, so now his feet are totally free of catheters and lines. But, both his hands are pretty much bundled up since they use his right hand to draw blood and the left hand for the PIC line. Almost every time we see him, he always has his hand on the respirator tube, so he must be feeling the sensation from it. They think his lung issue has cleared up since when they suction his lungs, they have been clear (aside from a little bit of pink tinge which they aren't too worried about). His right foot did get some sort of burn on it that they are healing with this blue gel-like stuff. He's still on the bililights, hopefully it will clear out his system this time.

One thing I have to complain about though...on Sunday, I drove the Trailblazer to the hospital...someone stole my Steeler antenna ball!! Oh, the humanity!! Can you believe!? I noticed he was gone when I was driving home... Bummer! We have found that entering and exiting the UMC parking garage is a lesson in defensive driving since no one watches where they are going.

UMC Charges: $7,561.25
Running Total: $124,633.29

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