So, we drive up to Tucson and finally find some place legal to park at the hospital (FYI, Joe's Crab Shack is NOT legal parking)! Anyway, so we get there, get checked in and went with the ob tech to start the u/s. The ob tech was very spirited (I mean, high strung), so at least that was a high point. She explains (prior to starting my exam), that one time it took over 3 hours to get a picture of the baby in the right position for the test. I thought.....not me!! We'll be out of here in no time!
Well, we start the u/s and of course, the baby is in THE worst position possible for the test (head down). My inverted uterus doesn't help the matter at all since the picture using the abdominal ultrasound was terribly fuzzy (you can see how inverted I am in the pic below). We tried numerous "remedies"....drinking water and walking for 10 minutes; having a full bladder; having an empty bladder; turning on one side, turing to the other side, laughing, jumping up and down, chewing sugary gum....we even left to go eat lunch and still, that darn baby didn't want to move from the comfy spot!
The ob tech even tried the vag. ultrasound wand which didn't do much for the official test, BUT did show us a great close-up of the baby....we were able to see a good heartbeat, fingers/toes, a lot of arms/legs movement and the brain. She said everything looked exactly on target.
We saw the head/face too...if any of you are familiar with the Strong Bad cartoons on-line...the baby looks like that (we laughed a lot over that). Check out and you'll see what we mean. :-)
The OB tech was also able to get a pretty good bottom up view between the legs and she thought she saw some bait and tackle who might be a boy? At 12 weeks I'm not sure of the reliability, but it was nice news. So...after almost 2 hours of being poked and prodded, we gave Monday I get to go back and try it again. The doctor on site said that women with inverted uteruses (or is it uteri?) usually correct themselves in between weeks 12-13. So that should make the picture look much better and hopefully the baby will move in a better position.
The hubby did have some words of consolation...he said that maybe things are hard at this point so it will be easier down the road. Wishful thinking! :-)

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