Friday, October 26, 2007

The Bisbee 1000

Last Saturday, Evan and I (along with some co-workers) participated in the Bisbee 1000. What is it you ask? According to the website link:

"The Bisbee1000 event allows you to use any combination of walking, running and resting to traverse nine sets of steps and numerous back-roads at a mile-high altitude. While conquering over 1,000 steps you will be serenaded by musicians playing at strategic points along the route. Participants can compete aggressively for overall and age group prizes; enjoy a challenging fitness walk or family stroll, or any combination thereof."

So, I walked/climbed the entire route with Evan in the Baby Bjorn front carrier. We finished in around 1 hour 45 minutes. He was an absolute doll the entire morning. He stayed awake throughout the first 2/3 of the route, but zonked out on the last leg. Amazing he could fall asleep with all the bouncing around. Maybe next year we run it??!! Ummm, don't think so!

Our local newspaper website has a nice 5 minute video posted: Look down the left side under "Multimedia".

My vids from the event aren't that great:

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