Saturday, August 11, 2007

Surf Dude!

Today was the first Evan experienced The Cove. The Cove is our city's an indoor facility, very nice. Every Saturday morning they have "Splash Time" where infants and toddlers get the run of the pool. T was off golfing in Tucson so I walked up to the pool (we live about a half-mile from the pool) with Evan in the stroller.

He wasn't thrilled at first since the water was a little cool to the first touch. I sat with him on my lap in the shallow water slowly easing him farther into the water. He was intrigued by the other kids and by the scuba instruction class going on. I was able to finally get out into the water (during Splash Time the farthest you can go out is 5 ft). We bobbed around a bit and then ran into Sarah (she is one of our friends/co-workers/ex-military unit buddies). We've known Sarah since our days in Germany and now she's one of T's co-workers. She was there with her son Luke. We hung out with them for a while.

They had these really thick floaty-board-things shaped like lilypads and fish. I put Evan up on one and we chased Luke around. Evan had the happiest look on his face and really enjoyed it. I hope to take him back again, this time with T so he can join in on the fun!

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