Being the parents of a preemie, there are things you have to get used to...such as your child not reaching those growth milestones like the other full-term babies. At least we'll get a lot of wear out of 0-3 months clothes! For instance...Evan's Jumperoo is supposed to fit babies from 3 months upward (or not until a baby has full head control). I had to snap this picture so you can see how he measures up. He's not quite on target for his chronological age...but he's getting there! He can use the Jumperoo with some slight modifications such as putting a box under his feet so he has something to jump off of and tucking some towels down in the sides. Before you know it, he'll be jumping like crazy. :-)

Chronological age: 3 months 1 weeks and 5 days
Adjusted/developmental age: 4 weeks and 4 days
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